UCC/Tax Lien/Judgement Search

UCC/Tax Lien/Judgement Search

UCC/Tax Lien/Judgement Search

UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) Filing Search

A UCC Filing Search allows businesses and individuals to check for security interests or liens placed on assets. UCC filings are typically filed when a borrower offers personal property or assets as collateral for a loan. These filings provide crucial information to ensure that you are aware of any claims or debts tied to an individual or business. Our UCC search service provides access to detailed filings, including debtor names, lienholders, and loan amounts, which can be critical when assessing risk, making investment decisions, or conducting due diligence on a company or individual.

Tax Lien Search

A Tax Lien Search helps identify any tax-related debts or claims placed against an individual or business by the IRS or state/local governments. Tax liens occur when taxes are not paid on time, and they can affect an individual’s or business's credit and financial standing. Our tax lien search service gives you access to both federal and state/local tax liens, helping you identify any outstanding tax liabilities, garnishments, or seizures. Whether you're a lender, investor, or simply conducting research, knowing about potential tax liens can help you make informed decisions and avoid hidden risks.

Judgment Search

A Judgment Search allows you to find legal judgments that have been made against an individual or business, typically resulting from a lawsuit. These judgments could include unpaid debts, personal injury claims, or any other type of legal decision where a party is required to pay damages. Our judgment search service provides access to court records, allowing you to see if a debtor has any outstanding judgments. This information is valuable for creditors, investors, or anyone seeking to assess the financial stability or legal history of a person or business before entering into agreements or investments.


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