What Is a Mechanics’ Lien?

What Is a Mechanics’ Lien?

What Is a Mechanics’ Lien?

Understanding Title Search for Mechanics’ Liens: A Crucial Step in Real Estate Transactions

When buying or selling real estate, a clear title is essential to ensure the property is free of legal claims or encumbrances. One of the most important aspects of a title search is identifying potential mechanics' liens, which can have serious implications for the buyer and the seller if not addressed properly.

In this blog, we’ll explore what a mechanics' lien is, why a title search is important, and how to handle these liens during a real estate transaction.

What Is a Mechanics’ Lien?

A mechanics’ lien is a legal claim placed on a property by a contractor, subcontractor, or supplier who has performed work or supplied materials but has not been paid. In most states, these professionals have the right to file a lien against the property they worked on to secure payment. If left unpaid, a mechanics’ lien can prevent the transfer of a clear title and may even lead to foreclosure.

Why Are Mechanics' Liens a Concern?

  • Impacts on Property Value: A property with an active mechanics’ lien is viewed as a risk by lenders and buyers. It can significantly reduce the value of the property since a buyer may be responsible for settling the debt.
  • Potential Legal Battles: Mechanics' liens can lead to costly and time-consuming legal disputes. Buyers who purchase a property without clearing the lien may find themselves in court, battling over who should pay the outstanding amount.
  • Financing Issues: Lenders are usually unwilling to provide financing for properties encumbered by liens. As a result, the sale of the property can be delayed or derailed entirely until the lien is resolved.

The Role of a Title Search in Detecting Mechanics' Liens

A title search is the process of reviewing public records to ensure that the property’s title is clear and free of any legal claims, including mechanics’ liens. During a real estate transaction, the title company or a real estate attorney will conduct a thorough search to:

  1. Identify existing liens: This includes any mechanics’ liens that may have been filed by contractors or suppliers.
  2. Check for unpaid judgments: Beyond mechanics' liens, the title search will also reveal other debts or judgments that could affect the property.
  3. Ensure clean transfer of ownership: A clear title means there are no legal claims that could jeopardize the buyer's rights to the property.

If the search reveals a mechanics' lien, the transaction cannot proceed until the issue is resolved.

What Happens if a Mechanics’ Lien Is Found?

If a mechanics' lien is discovered during the title search, it must be addressed before closing. Here are some steps that may be taken:

  • Negotiation: In some cases, the buyer or seller may negotiate with the contractor or supplier to settle the debt, sometimes for a reduced amount.
  • Escrow Holdback: A portion of the seller's proceeds may be held in escrow to pay off the lien once certain conditions are met.
  • Bonding Off: The seller can post a bond, which substitutes for the property as security for the debt. This allows the transaction to proceed while the lien is being disputed or paid off.
  • Legal Action: If the lien is disputed, legal action may be necessary to either pay off the lien or have it removed if it's found to be invalid.

How to Protect Yourself from Mechanics' Liens

Both buyers and sellers can take steps to protect themselves from mechanics’ liens:

  • Sellers: Ensure all contractors and subcontractors have been paid in full before listing your property for sale. Obtain lien waivers from any professionals who have worked on your property, confirming that they’ve received payment and will not file a lien.
  • Buyers: Work with a reputable title company that will conduct a thorough search for liens. Consider purchasing title insurance, which can protect you from any unforeseen liens that may arise after the purchase.


A title search is an essential part of any real estate transaction, and it’s crucial to ensure that the property is free of mechanics’ liens. Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, working with a skilled title company and addressing any liens before closing will protect you from future financial and legal headaches.

If you’re planning to buy or sell property, make sure you understand the importance of a mechanics’ lien and the role of a title search. By being proactive and informed, you can ensure a smooth, hassle-free transaction.

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