Case Study: Resolving a Complicated Title Issue

Case Study: Resolving a Complicated Title Issue

Case Study: Resolving a Complicated Title Issue

In the world of real estate transactions, title issues can often be the most complex and daunting hurdles to overcome. At Security American Title, we pride ourselves on our ability to navigate these challenges with precision and expertise. In this blog post, we’ll delve into a particularly complicated title issue we recently resolved, highlighting our process and the value of thorough title searches.

The Scenario

A client, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, approached us when they decided to purchase a historic home in a well-established neighborhood. The property had significant sentimental value to them, but during our initial title search, we uncovered several red flags that could jeopardize the transaction.

Identifying the Issues

Our detailed title search revealed multiple complications:

  1. Unresolved Liens: There were two outstanding liens on the property from previous owners. These liens had not been properly released, and the amounts were substantial.
  2. Conflicting Ownership Claims: A distant relative of a previous owner had filed a claim on the property, asserting that they had inherited partial ownership due to a disputed will.
  3. Survey Discrepancies: The property’s boundaries as recorded did not match the current physical boundaries, leading to potential encroachment issues with neighboring properties.

The Resolution Process

  1. Addressing the Liens: Our first step was to contact the lienholders. Through persistent negotiation and providing necessary documentation, we managed to secure lien releases. This process involved verifying that the debts had indeed been settled years ago but were never officially recorded. Our team facilitated the proper filing of release documents with the county recorder’s office.
  2. Resolving Ownership Claims: The conflicting ownership claim required a more delicate approach. We collaborated with our legal team to conduct an in-depth investigation into the will and the probate records. By gathering comprehensive evidence and presenting a clear case to the claimant, we were able to reach a settlement that involved a small financial compensation in exchange for a quitclaim deed, thereby clearing the title of any disputed ownership.
  3. Survey and Boundary Issues: To resolve the boundary discrepancies, we hired a professional surveyor to conduct a new, accurate survey of the property. The new survey was compared against the old records, and necessary adjustments were made. We then worked with the neighbors to agree on and document the correct boundaries, ensuring that all parties were satisfied and legal descriptions were updated accordingly.


After weeks of meticulous work, all title issues were resolved. The liens were officially released, the ownership claim was settled, and the boundary discrepancies were corrected. The Johnsons were able to proceed with their purchase, securing the home they had fallen in love with. Our comprehensive approach not only cleared the title but also provided the Johnsons with peace of mind, knowing that their investment was protected.

Lessons Learned

This case underscores the importance of thorough title searches and the expertise required to resolve complicated issues. Key takeaways include:

  • Diligence in Documentation: Ensuring all liens, claims, and discrepancies are documented and addressed is crucial for a clear title.
  • Expert Negotiation Skills: Effectively negotiating with lienholders and claimants requires patience, legal knowledge, and strong communication skills.
  • Accurate Surveys: Having an up-to-date and accurate survey can prevent and resolve boundary disputes, ensuring clarity for all parties involved.


At Security American Title, we are committed to safeguarding our clients' real estate investments through meticulous and comprehensive title searches. This case study highlights our dedication to resolving even the most complicated title issues, ensuring smooth and secure property transactions. If you’re facing any title challenges, our experienced team is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you.


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